Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Monkfish with Spanish Sauce (Rape con salsa española)

This recipe features monkfish. One of my favorites, it is an angler fish that is sometimes called "poor man's lobster." The tail of the monkfish is often cut in medallions for cooking and serving while the head and bones are excellent for soup. 

In this case I simply seasoned the monkfish medallions with salt and pepper and then grilled them on a high heat - they cook quickly. I then topped them with the delicious sauce described below.

"Salsa española" (Spanish Sauce) is one of my Mom's many specialties. It is smooth and velvety and goes really well with fish or shrimp. You can also use it with meats and poultry.

Ingredients for the sauce:
1 Small Onion, chopped
1/2 Green Pepper, diced
3-4 Cloves of Garlic
5 Large Carrots, peeled and cut in small pieces 
1 Small Can Tomato Sauce
2 Teaspoons Salt
1/2 Teaspoon Pepper
2 Teaspoons Sugar 
1/4 Cup White Wine
1 Cup Chicken Broth 
3 Tablespoons Olive Oil

Chop the onion, garlic, green pepper and carrots. Sauté in a pan with olive oil. When the onion is translucent, add the tomato sauce, salt, pepper, sugar, wine and broth and simmer until the vegetables are tender. Then put everything in a blender or hand blender and purée until smooth. 


  1. This dish was fantastic i am not a huge fishlover and had not had monkfish before but this was lovely. I found the monkfish to be meaty and mild in flavour. corporate catering

  2. Monkfish is actually pretty good, I believe it's a dish of it's own so I won't call it the "poor man's lobster." This recipe definitely looks mouthwatering, I'll give it a try.
