Thursday, December 1, 2011

Basque Beans (Alubias)

This dish is very typical all over Spain and especially in the Basque Country. It is one of those weekly dishes that families make where legumes and meats are mixed. One of the greatest activities in the the Basque Country is hiking in the mountains on weekends so it is not uncommon to eat a good "plato de alubias" at the end of the hike in a local "caserio" (farmhouse) that has just two dishes on its menu: Alubias (beans) and Sopa (soup). This dish is rich in protein with the legumes and the meats. Unfortunately it also has fat but you can make it vegetarian if you don't add the meats.

Beans with Basque hot peppers "guindillas"


2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1 Pound "Tolosa" Beans
1 Cipollini Onion per person (whole)
2 Leeks cut in 1 inch pieces
1 Head of Garlic 
2 Tablespoons Smoked Paprika
Chicken Stock to cover the alubias (beans)
1/4 Pound Salt Pork
2 Chorizos

Put the beans in water the day before you are going to cook them. Place the garlic, onions, and leeks in a deep pan, sauté them, add the paprika, and stir for about a minute. Add the chicken stock, beans and salt pork and cook until tender. Add the chorizo and morcilla at the end and cook for another 10 to 15 minutes.


  1. Acompañadas de un buen plato de guindillas vascas en vinagre, un poco picantes pero quedan muy bien.

  2. Tenía las guindillas se me habían olvidado pero ya está. Gracias por recordármelo.
