Sunday, November 13, 2011

Rice with Mussels (Arroz con Mejillones/Mojojones)

Wow!!! When I was little, This was my favorite dish in whole wild world. Coming from a relatively a small town, many people but mostly friends of the family new this was my favorite dish ever, so every time they cooked rice with mussels (mojojones in the Basque Country) they will invite me. One day I will eat at my neighbors, the Izas, other day at the Arreguis, and so on. Probably I had mussels with rice 3 o 4 times a week. My kids enjoy this dish as much as I did...the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree!!!


Olive Oil
8 garlic cloves
1 Cup "Bomba," "Calasparra" or Jazmin rice
3 Cups water
1 1/2 Pounds Prince Edward mussels
Parsley finely chopped to Garnish

In a wide pan put the olive oil and the garlic until they are golden brown, add the rice and water until it boils, turn burner to low and cover when the rice is almost done add the mussels mixing well with the rice until they open.

Add everything on a serving plate and add parsley.

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