Saturday, March 3, 2012

Clams with Artichokes in Garlic Sauce (Almejas con alcachofas)

Clams with artichokes is a traditional Catalan dish. It is probably one of my favorites. Baby artichokes are one of the star products. The plant can produce three harvests through the year. Clams are another star product. When you combine them you have an amazing, delicious and simple dish.


2 baby artichokes per person
lemon juice
6 little neck clams per person
6 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1/2 cup parsley
2 cups water with 1 tablespoon cornstarch, diluted
sea salt
olive oil

Start cleaning the artichokes by removing the outer leaves until you get to the lighter and tender part. Then cross cut the top of the artichokes and remove with a knife any dark green left around the heart because it is bitter. Cut them in quarters and place in a pan of boiling water with salt and a few drops of lemon juice. Let them cook until tender. Then remove them from the pan.

Put the olive oil, garlic and parsley in a sauce pan. Add the clams, the water with  cornstarch (to thicken the sauce),and the sea salt. When the clams start to open, remove them from the pan and set aside on a platter. Then add the artichokes and finally the sauce from the clams. Check for seasoning. Sprinkle with chopped parsley.

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