Saturday, March 31, 2012

Green Beans with Potatoes (Judias verdes con patatas)

This is a traditional seasonal dish in Spain but now it is eaten year round. It is a very simple dish to make before a second course of meat or fish, or it can be served for supper as a single course. Usually is topped with a drizzle of oil and vinegar or a light alioli or béarnaise sauce on the side.


5 medium potatoes, peeled and cut in cubes
1 lb. green beans, tips removed
4 cloves garlic, chopped
olive oil
or béarnaise sauce

Boil the potatoes with salt. When they are half cooked add the green beans. When the potatoes and beans are tender, strain them. In another pan sauté the garlic, then add the beans and potatoes and sauté a bit more. Serve on a plater along with "vinagreras" to drizzle vinegar and oil, alioli, or béarnaise sauce, and let every person add what they like.

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