Monday, March 26, 2012

Fresh White Asparagus with Béarnaise Sauce (Espárragos blancos frescos con salsa bearnesa)

The region of Navarre is one of the vegetable gardens of Spain and Europe. The produce is bountiful and one of the stars is white asparagus and it is white because it grows underground and it doen't get to see the sunlight. They sell most of it canned but you still can find fresh spears. The canned ones from Navarre are getting harder to find in Spain due to exports and their reputation as being among the best. I couldn't find fresh white asparagus from Spain where we live so these are from Peru. They tasted sweet and with the acidity of the sauce were amazingly good.

1 bunch white asparagus (cut off an inch at the bottom of the spears)

For the sauce:

3 tablespoons good quality vinegar 
1 teaspoon dried tarragon 
1 teaspoon dried parsley
2 egg yolks
1 tablespoon hot water
6 tablespoons butter, melted
the juice of half a lemon

Peel the outer layer of the asparagus with a potato peeler. Put the spears in water and boil them until tender. Remove from the pan and place in ice water. You can warm them later by dipping them in hot water for a minute or so.

In a pan heat the vinegar, tarragon and parsley and let it reduce to about half. Remove from the pan and add the mix to a double boiler pan. Let it cool off to warm and then add the egg yolks, stirring vigorously. Add a tablespoon of hot water and keep stirring until it is very well mixed. Add water to the bottom part of the double boiler and let it boil softly. In the microwave soften the butter and add it in three or four portions to the mix. Keep stirring, add the lemon and salt, and continue to stir. If the sauce starts curdling, remove from the heat and add a tablespoon of hot water.

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