Saturday, March 3, 2012

Grilled Baby Artichokes (Alcachofas a la brasa)

This is great time of the year to eat artichokes. One of my favorite vegetables, in reality the artichoke is a thistle and the edible part is the bud of the artichoke flower. It is a Southern European product that grows along the Mediterranean. One way to make them is on the grill to serve as a tapa or side dish.

2 baby artichokes per person
lemon juice
olive oil
Maldon salt o sea salt
aluminum foil

Remove the outer green leaves until you get to the lighter color. Cross cut the top of the artichoke and then cut them in half or quarters. You will have to do this one artichoke at a time. Once you peel and cut the artichoke, it turns black because of the oxidation. To avoid the change of color, put them in water with few drops of lemon juice or add a bunch of parsley.

Prepare squares of aluminum foil and place a half artichoke on each one. Drizzle with olive oil and wrap tightly. When you have all of them ready, put them on a grill whose coals are red. If you have wood, use it to give a more natural smoky flavor. Check for tenderness and remove from the grill when done.

Unwrap the aluminum foil and you will have a beautiful and juicy artichoke. Serve them on a platter seasoned with Maldon salt or sea salt and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil. 

1 comment:

  1. ummmm, me encantan las alcachofas, sabes cual es mejor maridaje para esta verdura? la cerveza, es la combinación perfecta, mucho mejor que con vino,
    Ah! y felicidades por el blog
